is mio nia's daughter. . is mio nia's daughter

is mio nia's daughter  Cue even more tears

Rex gets help from a local Nopon named Tora, who opposes the Ardainians and is building an Artificial Blade. CryptoRex, Nia, Mythra, Pyra and Pneuma have earned their happily ever after in Leftheria, even if it takes a while (paired with some blunt delivery) for the Driver to realize what his Blades want out of him. The other two with Pyra and Mythra, however, have no identities whatsoever. And outside the picture, there is no other piece of evidence, because the most compelling piece, her eyes, Nia also has the same eyes. Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Jul 25, 2022 #611 Unlocked the 2nd Ouroboros Forms for all my Partymembers now. Nia only had perhaps eleven years or so to be with her daughter, and that. Head to. which torpedoes the 'Mio is just Nia and Rex's. She's clearly meant to be Pyra's daughter. ago. So the all-but-confirmed theory is that Mio is Nia's daughter, right? Well, at the end of the game the universes are brought back to their original state, and Nia is presumably still queen in this universe. Much to her daughter's embarrassment but she's glad to reunite with her mother after so long. The trailer has got me thinking- is Mio Nia's daughter? If so, this brings up so many questions about the reproductive possibilities of Blades/Flesh Eaters. N's deal . Reply . hair: it keeps growing even in the Endless Now. Nia has brown eyes. She was created by the "Great Nopon" Oosoo as a champion for the Nopon. I'm Nia, Mio's birth mother" said Nia as she held out her hand. A lot of theories having been going around about if she’s Nia or Nia’s daughter. The main game feels so insignificant now. List of All Playable and. S. She is extremely agile, and good at avoiding attacks. 16K subscribers Join Subscribe 27 1. And she has been an incredible success at accomplishing just that. The future doesn't belong to you! For those who have not completed games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, this page contains spoilers regarding the plot. Inoswap is a feature in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. He was also able to resist Inverse Nia's future describing ability, but needed to actively exert the power of the Angels. Nia is better than mio. During the beats leading up to Nia's ascension quest, Nia has a conversation with Mio in the city. To break the class limit and unlock Rank 20 for the class, you must first complete Mio's Ascension Quest: Side Story: Mio. But just like noah she has basically reincarnated multiple times already throughout the history of aionios. and find themselves. She’s Rex and Nia’s daughter. The two appear almost identical by features; silver hair, yellow eyes, identical Core Crystal. – Mia Kanu, 23, came home from college last month for her summer vacation in Michigan. NIA & MIO ARE RELATED?!? | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Older - Pretty straightforward, Mio is the exact same person as the Nia encountered in XC2, just older and using a different alias. Actress: Rosemary's Baby. The Fallen. Warning: Contains spoilers for Xenoblade Chronicles 3. 20 Apr 2023 15:59:43I'm thinking about it because I constantly ask myself "Does Mio being Rex and Nia's daughter actually add anything to XB3's story?". When you are doing Nia's quest, you have to take her to certain places to trigger cutscenes. Melia, daughter of the Homs second consort, is of mixed High Entia and Homs heritage. Pick fruits and vegetables like lemon, apple, cucumbers, or oranges to infuse into your water to give it a natural flavor. When not in her Spirit form, Kurumi usually tends to wear either the female winter uniform of Raizen High School or a monotone black Gothic Lolita dress. TaggedGalaxy • 2 mo. Maybe the procedure failed, or maybe her powers haven’t manifested yet. “I was like 15. Nia is seen as rude and cynical. 1/6 is not related to rex, nor do they have a crus on his daughter, or really any special connection. Likewise, given that it's heavily implied that Mio is Nia's daughter, and that Rex was likely her father, that would make Glimmer Mio's half-sister (and Matthew her great-grandnephew, via his descent from Mio). 7K views 6 months ago Hey everyone, so with the release of Xenoblade. While Nia and Mio's relations are basically confirmed, Eunie and Melia's being mother/daughter is quite a stretch as they don't really act like one around each other and isn't put as much into focus. "Different denotes neither bad nor good, but it. Is it possible that Nia constructed Mio with her powers of cellular regeneration? As far as I know it’s never stated if Blades or Flesh Eaters can reproduce like humans. But M was not there and she panicked for a bit. So is Mio Nia daughter or descendant? the baby in the pic have a grayer hair than Mio, in any case i like that a game protagonist of 3 is also related to Rex. Age, height and net worth. ) Taion: Jin's Flesh Eater form but without the wings. Apart from them, there are many other characters in the game. The two worlds - Xenoblade Chronicles 3It’s clear they wanted Mio to be Nia’s daughter, and probably felt they couldn’t really pair Nia with anyone besides Rex. She develops a selfish personality after being unable to accept the truth of the world. And of. Reply. #nakano #xenobladechronicles3 #xenobladeWhile Nia did not forgive her daughter. the way she talks about how she was so excited to talk to Mio, and how special she is, it seems like she's just about to say that Mio is her daughter before they get interrupted. Even assuming he was 20 years old when Nia had a child, if said child had a kid at 20 herself, that'd put Rex at 50~ at the start of XC3. I don't think I've heard anything about Mio and Nia's relationship, but I can tell you N's deal. Rex never turned Nia down and Nia was clearly still interested. However, Rex is undeterred by this. It is dirty keto because it contains additives like food dyes. She first gained notice for her role as Allison MacKenzie in the television soap opera Peyton Place and gained further recognition for her subsequent. It'd be more plausible that M is Nia's daughter but both scenarios are unlikely. Feb 14, 2022. They were in an on-and-off relationship for over 10 years. " Nia is rescued by Jin Soon after the death of her. Pyra’s daughter takes after her mother, while Mythra’s son takes after his father. Harsh realities. We also know that Moebius creates the people of Aionios from the data stored in Origin. Granddaughter, if not daughter, but the similarities are really hard to dismiss, so most players have agreed that Mio is likely the same baby that Nia is carrying in the photo in the ending scene. From the moment I chose this muddy path I've been more than ready!" — Eunie Eunie (Japanese: ユーニ, Yūni) is a playable character in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. So you lower your head and you do as you’re told, and you open your mouth. Nia & Nia's Sister (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) (1) Mio (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) & Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles Series) (1)Tohka Yatogami (Daughter) Ren (Daughter) Rinne Sonogami (Daughter) Mayuri (Daughter) Rank: SSS-Class Spirit Media Novel Debut: Volume 4 (Mentioned). Mio Ascension Quest Side Story: Mio. Which isn’t true as XC1 and XC2 took place at the same time. Imperial tradition states that the emperor take two consorts; one a High Entia, and the other a Homs. But blades can activate blades, so maybe Nia activated Mio and Brigid activated Sena so. Pyra: whispering “Because I’m the best girl. Pyra and Mythra knew it was wrong. Once there, Rex is ordered by Jin, Torna's leader, to accompany them to. It is an installment in the open-world Xenoblade Chronicles series, itself a part of the larger Xeno franchise. Still not hard confirmed but since Glimmer also inherits her mother's special core crystal, and Na'el (Mio's great grandkid) still has the same flesh eater crystal, I think that's enough recurrence to finally tip it into conclusive evidence that Mio is Nia's daughter due to the inherited physical appearance. So we know from Nia’s quest that Mio is her daughter (looking back, it’s probably why she trusted M with the key). Each has an A rank with their Ouroboros partner's class (who. Noah and Mio reincarnate many times as Agnus and Keves soldiers BUT sometimes breaking free and fighting. This also parallels with Nikol, who's Shulk's son. The Founders. After xc2, everyone went their own way, with Tora trying to make improved versions of poppi. Though Shulk wasn't specific about the worlds, causing him, Rex, Pyra, and Mythra to be cast into another world. Language: English. 05 jan 2023 08:33:50After taking Nia's Sephira Crystal, her Astral Dress gains several crosses reminiscent of Nia's nun-like Astral Dress. The more likely scenario is that M/Mio are part of Nia's lineage, but not a direct daughter or blatant adjacent connection. Talking about the celebrity child, Lola celebrated her 5th birthday in 202 2. During the beats leading up to Nia's ascension quest, Nia has a conversation with Mio in the city. 7:49 AM · Feb 14, 2022. I just came up with an interesting theory on who Mio could. Mio is Nia's Daughter. Plus the anime style from the game leaves her looking much more cutesy/adorable. After Shulk invokes his desire for a world that has no need for gods, he, along with Alvis, Fiora, and Melia, are transported to the world of Alrest, where they are fished out of the Cloud Sea by a young salvager by the name of Rex and his Titan. As for what Nia did, the most obvious explanation is that she took over Indol after the fall of the current praetor. Mio starts to accept, but Shinji refuses to trust Westcott and tries to escape, leading to Westcott shooting him. This story leads the team on a path that leads them to an otherworldly powerful being and a reality-altering truth. ". V. Tatsuo and Haruko are Shido's adoptive parents. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Related Guides. It would be cool if he was their kid, but I think he's probably just a random guy and isn't the descendent of anyone important. 5 years of waifufagging on my part for ‘lol she’s super-duper happy as third wheel’. Also people are saying that M is Nia's daughter, but thats BS, as of now we have no idea whether or not that is the case . There’s a lot of art names that get reused with weird connections. an original character by @AuroraphyArt who is Melia Antiqua's adopted daughter. Consul N. I wonder if Mio is Nia's daughter. Business, Economics, and Finance. He accepts, joining the crew aboard the C. She def is Nia and Rex's kid, but her and Nias eyes look the same to me. A series of very self indulgent oneshots surrounding Rex, Pyra, Mythra and Nia's family. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Isabel Nal, (before 1979 [1] -2019 [1]; briefly resurrected 2020) formerly known as Dreamer, was a Naltorian, the wife of Paul Nal, and the mother of Maeve and Nia Nal. (Assuming blades can have kids) Rex and Pnuema’s child could form a relationship with Nia’s child and Mio shows up somewhere down that family tree. Throughout 3 it's made very clear that Mio is the daughter of Nia and Rex for several reasons, maybe one of my favorites being how she shares twin ring arts with her parents. Crossover. Bionis Leg in the background, Nia And Mio in the foreground, can we get a Skell somewhere to get representation of. (Endgame spoilers) The picture is a lie and Mio is actually Niall's kid with Nia. So much, in fact, that they left him with the responsibility of taking care of Kotori and their home while they are overseas. making Matthew and by extension the rest of the Vandhams blood related through M. Gender: Mia is historically the feminine form of the name. This is why Nias Body is 99-100% Human (Gormotti) and ultimately able to age and reproduce and Die like a normal Human, not like jin or others. Nia says, "We've met before, when you were still human. ConversationA popular Israeli name, Mia is often an abbreviation of Michal. Get. Parent tags (more general): Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Video Game) Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game) This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on. Member. Mio is not a concubine so her. It could be that they just put the Jin. 2. Series. This actualy gets crazier when you realize mios grandpa on nia's side would not only be her adoptive grandfather but also the titan that nia came from, meaning it's possible that mio's decended from a living country. Discretion is advised. While there are many hints provided by the game,. About. Nia and Mio are Identical out side the white lines on Nia’s face that Mio doesn’t have. Plot Twist: Nia is both the leader of Agnus and Mio. “Our mission is to create and support art and wellness initiatives through the lens of Black women and girls,” said Allen. Regarding whether the time is short enough or not, I've heard somewhere that dataminers claimed the anniversary event Noah's gang was running to in the opening (and post-credit) scenes supposedly only happened 25 years after Future Connected. She has a blue and. . I think most people accept that Nia and Mio are mother and daughter but they are people who don't accept the fact that Rex is the father. As mentioned above, Kurumi had a great sense of justice, and the moment she became a. The one where I went from "Mio looks kinda like Nia" to "Mio must be Nia's daughter" is the one at the city. They also share memories and thoughts every so often, though explaining that would be awkward. I think it's heavily implied that Mio is Nia's and Rex's daughter? I mean, Nia's various reactions to mio are pretty telling, and that picture with rex at the end (the "holy shit he meant it when he said he loved her and all of them guys" picture) seems to be the last nail on the coffin. I don't think most of the cast were dead from old age by the beginning of XC3, and the giveaway is Mio. giantess mio nia m mioxenoblade mxenoblade m_xenoblade niaxenoblade nia_xenoblade mio_xenoblade. Mio has a more yellowish color. There’s a lot of art names that. The Xenoblade Chronicles 3 narrative features some major returning characters, and one of the most recognizable is Nia, a protagonist from the prior entry in the series and the basis in appearance for Mio. Of them having the same eyes, not that Mio isn't Rex's daughter. According to IMDB, Mio has a different Japanese VA than Nia. Sooooo is Mio Nia's kid? Fendoreo1. Imperial tradition states that the emperor take two consorts; one a High Entia, and the other a Homs. Next thing you will realize that Mio's Zephyr arts are a mix of Nia and Rex's twin ring arts. 3: Mio is half of Nia. The start (and end) of the game only takes place about 20 years after XC2 and FC. Doubt its actually nia, my working theory is that Mio is a clone or something, because why would Nias daughter have the same flesheater core crystal as her. Appearance and personality [ edit] Mio is a young woman with neck-length silver hair styled into a bob cut and golden eyes, with cat ears similar to a Gormotti. Mio is Nia's Daughter; Original Character(s) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD; Adopted Children; Adopted Sibling Relationship; The Lesbians Share One Brain Cell; but so does everyone else;Kissing. She lives with her husband, David, and their daughter, Samantha, in. So: (Mio and Nia are related) + (Mio was very likely born before Aionios) + (No time for grandchildren before Aionios' creation) = (Mio is almost surely Nia's and Rex's daughter) Morag_Ladair • 7 days ago. because he missed his friends, he modeled one of them after Nia. Using M's memories, Mio leads the party to Cloudkeep where the real Nia is sleeping. In an emotional end, the now divided Kevesi and Agnian squads promise to meet. As of March 2021, Nia’s net worth has been estimated at over $100,000, while Chris’ net worth I reputedly over $50 million. Literally a minute or two after the first XC2 trailer ever was showcased, so were the bobs and vagene. Along with her friends Noah and Lanz, Eunie is a Kevesi soldier stationed at Colony 9. Yeaaah if the camera angle wasnt so fanservicy it would have. She can do this by drawing enemies toward her with aggro, and then using her evasion and guarding skills to. Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Mia Farrow, (born February 9, 1945, Los Angeles, California, U. She is a Gormotti Driver and is accompanied by her Blade, Dromarch, who calls her "Lady" ( お嬢様, Ojōsama) like a butler. Part 2 of A Place in the Sun; Language: English Words: 426 Chapters: 2/? Comments: 3 Kudos: 13 Hits: 267;. 12. Shulk eventually meets Rex, a close friend of Melia's collaborator at creating Origin, the Agnian Queen Nia and the two of them become close friends. Quick question for all Xenoblade fans out there. Noah hears Mio’s off-seer song, wanders towards the sound and seemingly disappears in the crowd as Noah’s half of the melody joins in. She also has a similar personality and role to Pyra, her implied step-mother, who acted as the Team Mom and primary Love Interest who is in danger multiple times. Rocky and Fluffy. Nia’s age is 37. It’s never mentioned how Nia became Queen of Agnus after Xenoblade 2. Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) Nia's Sister (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) POV Second Person; pseudo-cannibalism; of the xc2 flesh-eater variety; Self-Loathing; Summary. Side Story: Mio Walkthrough. This community is for fans of the Xenoblade Chronicles JRPG game series, as well as other…. She debuted at the movies in 1959 in very small roles. Ino (Japanese: イノ) is a character in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. You can even see in that title credit how the family relationship/dynamic was. Unfortunately for Rex, Pyra and Mythra’s only family is Malos, who wants all of them dead. It’s a common thing in the fandom that with Mio being descended from/directly the daughter of Rex and Nia, that some of the other Aionos crew may be too, so what if we took this kind of joking idea seriously?. Blades don't reproduce. No doubt she was the baby in the photo. Nia actively tries to connect with Mio and only talks with Mio. Rex, Pyra, Mythra, Nia, Mio and Glimmer by sofusan1526. As many people theorise from the heavy implication from Nia's hero quest, Mio is Nia's and Rex's daughter. Melia's mother is never seen and is only alluded to in dialogue as, due. Mio then reveals that N and M were illustrations of Noah’s and Mio’s guilt. I think Mio was created as some kind of super soldier in a mass production program. Zeke: When she was younger, Mio, alongside her siblings, thought Zeke’s name was Shellhead because of Nia. Nia’s ascension quest heavily implies Mio is her daughter. Nia remarks that Mio's powers are cheat-level and would. If the world holds our lives back, I will end it! It's as simple as that!Noah Noah (Japanese: ノア, Noa) is a playable character and, along with Mio, a protagonist of Xenoblade Chronicles 3. This one-shot reflects on all that happens after Xenoblade 2 and during Xenoblade 3 from the perspective of mother and daughter, Nia and Mio. So not the original child, probably. Glimmer theory. We have. She decided to take her to the dungeon that she prepared in case her daughter came to her. Mother and Daughter Art by (vvbert) r/Pedro_Pascal. 12 months ago . Hey everyone, so with the release of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 coming up I thought I'd make a short video speculating on if Mio is related to Nia. It's obviously a male wish fulfilment thing, trying to say it isn't is silly. However, there could easily be multiple generations. @XenobladeEN. When thing finally started falling in place, the world ended, forcing her into a stasis where she stuck watching her daughter's reincarnation dies over and over, until she sacrifice herself to stabilize the Ark after giving birth to a split. Granddaughter, if not daughter, but the similarities are really hard to dismiss, so most players have agreed that Mio is likely the same baby that Nia is carrying in the photo in the ending scene. Nia does appea. Nia’s Daughters was organized to perform culturally competent dance. This lights up Noah as he wields the legendary ‘Sword of the End’ and puts an end to fake Queen Nia, X, and N. No doubt she was the baby in the photo. Plus Mio has all of M’s memories so shouldn’t she have memories of Nia being her. The beginning of this game takes place at least centuries after XC1 and XC2. Shulk and Fiora. 38 seconds · Clipped by Christian Kim · Original video "YOUR MELODY - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - 44" by NicoBEven though everyone forgot that Xenoblade 3 happened, Noah, Mio, Melia, Nia and anyone who came into contact with Origin (basically nerfed Collective Unconscious) still remembers what happened without knowing since it contains all data from both Aionios and the real worlds (which is why in the post credits scene Noah recognises the flute). Nearly eight years after saving the world, they finally begin their five-way marriage and get down to business. Heroes. It's time to become Yakuza. ago. Nia's child is all but said to be Mio (or at least, her original incarnation), based on interactions that they have during Nia's Hero Quest and after Nia. It'd be more plausible that M is Nia's daughter but both scenarios are unlikely. mio nia mioxenoblade giantess motheranddaughter motherdaughter mother_and_daughter. Nia is way better then mio. His struggle was more than just how Glimmer reacted/behaved. If we buy into the notion that Mio is Rex and Nia’s daughter, then that confirms at least one of his kids. At the start of the game, you cannot rank up the Zephyr class past Rank 10. Also nia gets conserned when mio gets hurt in combat with the same level of murderous intent as noah when he says "you hurt mio!". M was sobbing very sadly which slowly became a laugh of a psychopath. Reply. Member. Mio is Rex and Nia's Daughter (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) Well once she's born anyway; Summary. As of now, Bill’s little princess weighs. Can blades or flesh eaters have children? She sure looks a lot like Nia though. It would be a lot more interesting story-wise for the game to reveal how they're related instead of it telling you "oh this actually is Nia!" The_Abhorrent (Topic Creator) 1 year ago #25. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Original Soundtrack to be released in Japan on August 2nd 2023; Limited Edition on July 29th 2023. The main characters' starting classes all follow a similar pattern. There is a theory that says that the original Mio was indeed Nia's daughter with Rex, but nothing is confirmed yet by Monolithsoft. However this may not be the only child of Rex we see in X3 (without dlc). The way Nia interacts with Mio I feel like is a very obvious tell that they are mother and daughter. Nia was an ordinary healer Blade belonging to the daughter of a nobleman in the Gormott Province. Mio and Noah had a child, that child had a child, that child had Matthew and Na'el (with a very inconsistent naming pattern). Is Mio related to Nia? | Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Theory Mr Marvell 2. When the two spirits finally met during Date A Live: Volume 13, Kurumi asked for information on when the First Spirit appeared, why she appeared, and her power, which Nia gave by using her Angel, Rasiel. EDIT: or. This feature allows Ino to learn and enhance Arts and Skills using HD Ether Cylinders+ . mio nia mother_and_daughter mother_daughter m mioxenoblade mxenoblade m_xenoblade motheranddaughter motherdaughter niaxenoblade. r/Xenoblade_Chronicles. also, a flesh eater is a blade fused with human cells. And your teeth are sharp. Sena: Brighid's dress modified to be more sporty. “@robottsie the mfs saying Mio was Nia's daughter and Moebius is Malos Particles were right btw”Nia and Rex go through the portal into The Land of Challenge. 2: Mio is Nia descendent. She has a stubborn personality, and a harsh tone. 16% 16 Different person (offspring, descendant,. You love her more than anything. Her ears are somewhat distinct! #Xenoblade3” I think it's heavily implied that Mio is Nia's and Rex's daughter? I mean, Nia's various reactions to mio are pretty telling, and that picture with rex at the end (the "holy shit he meant it when he said he loved her and all of them guys" picture) seems to be the last. High Entia age really slowly so for her to look like an adult many years must have passed. one of the Liberators in Future Redeemed is the adult daughter of an NPC who was a young child in 1,. By design though, they're all great. . Sena’s Ouroboros has Pyra’s Flame Nova, and Lanz’s has Mythra’s Ray of Punishment. While Mio is Nia's Class Inheritor because of their implied family connection,. They might be able to have children either naturally or. She would have been around 10 or 11 when the Origin blueprint was created as the worlds collided, just the right age to be endlessly recycled in the Agnus war machine. Mio/M would close all her old social media, get her hair cut short and move in with her old university roommate (Sena). Because of that, the place stayed quiet for many, many years. E. “He absolutely knew I was pregnant,” Nia responded. Because of this, she doesn't really question the war at first. At an unknown point in time, Ontos, now calling himself "Alpha", re-emerged to take control of Origin's systems for himself. FireFury190 • 5 mo. "I told you. Speaking of that, she and her ex-boyfriend, Soulja Boy, were rumored to be the biological parents of Nia’s daughter, Kamryn. Anonymous. S. Jan 1, 2019 13,089. 4. Mythra is special to me. Glimmer is the founder of House Rhodes. Some characters (Mio, Taion, and Sena) will sport the look of Manana, while others (Noah, Eunie, and Lanz) will take after Riku. Mio's weapon of choice *post game spoilers*. Next thing you will realize that Mio's Zephyr arts are a mix of Nia and Rex's twin ring arts. It is potentially the case that Nia is. And when Tasha K asked about the rapper kicking her in the stomach, Nia held nothing back. She has a serious yet gentle personality,. You are being redirected. Her Body Measurements are 34-26-36 Inches, Kiara Mia waist size 26 inches, and hip size 36 inches. It is only implied that they may be related. You can just watch the cutscenes for Nia's hero ascension quest then, But yep she's the mom and our boy Rex is the Daddy lol. 221. Nia/Mio; Nia (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) Mio (Xenoblade Chronicles 3) Top Nia; Bottom Mio; Nia's Mio's mother so; Mother Daughter Incest; Nia has a dick; Mio doesn't have a dick; Nia is ooc to allow for sexytimes; Bad end; Spoilers; Vaginal Sex; Cervix Penetration; Mommy Kink; breeding talk; Summary. In Nia's case, that includes her Healing Factor as an Alrestian Blade, which is what saves her from D's attempted assassination. Theres a chance monolith is trolling us hard but. A group of six characters from these nations join together to awaken the colonies of Aionios and expose the true threat both nations face. ! NEW FEATURE! Submit a sprint or marathon prompt for the community to try here ! 🏁 Explore the world's largest encyclopedia with lightning speed! Start from one Wikipedia page and navigate to the goal page as fast as you can! Remember, luck is king, so put on your lucky hat, grab your lucky socks, and let the games. So if new protagonist is actually the son of one variant of Noah/Mio and Mio is legit Rex and Nia's child then does that mean that Rex is the grandfather he's talking about in the trailer? They did intentionally hide his name. Nia - Sleeping position. Then on September 18, 2013, Their son Abram was born. She belongs to the Christian religion and Her Zodiac Sign Taurus. The Monado is a clone of the Shield Hammer weapon, but has faster attacks and is a ATK weapon instead of a TNK weapon. ""Ready", he says. The Ouroboros. Flesh-eaters have weird traits compared to regular blades. As a Blade Weapon. Not in 3, Nia's eyes in 3 are yellow. Save; Bookmarked by DemonicNatsu. In turn, Tatsuo and Haruko greatly trust Shido. Nia's side quest greatly hints at this mother daughter relationship they have. So I'm just curious what you guys. Darkhallows27 • 1 yr. Just reincarnated over and over. Alright, seems there's some mea culpa needed here. 17. Mio Takamiya:. After finding all the special events, discuss Nia's memories at any rest spots. Day 5: Endless/Fall - Moebius AU, when Melia is captured Nia makes a deal with Z. The Inhabitants of Aionios. Glimmer is. Wonder if we'll see Fiora and Pyra. SOUTHFIELD, Mich. Zoroark_master • 3 mo. ago. In a last ditch attempt to save her, the nobleman fused his. By the way, she is Mio, she is the daughter of Wilbert, the demon king, and she has a fortune in the gold of the demon realm that is equal to her national budget. I originally thought that it could probably just be Shulk and Fiora as they were the only couple that were canonically confirmed to my knowledge at the end of Xenoblade 1 but the hair and eyes don't match up. Join. Nia’s Daughters Movement Collective, founded by Stacey Allen in 2018, is a multigenerational group of like-minded black women dance and multidisciplinary artists with the mission is to create and support art and wellness initiatives through the lens of Black women and girls. Mio is all but said to be Nia daughter and Glimmer from the trailer is definitely Pyra daughter so that just leaves Mythra kid that hasn't been shown yet. ago. After the final battle with N, Melia shared a glance with Riku hinting they know each. You might notice that Pyra, Mythra, and Nia are all holding babies, with an older Rex standing center frame above them. She is a Kevesi human with High Entia traits. 五河 士道 (Itsuka Shidō) Voiced by: Nobunaga Shimazaki, Saeko Zōgō (Shiori), Yukiko Aruga (childhood) (Japanese); Jessie James Grelle, Ryan Elizabeth Reynolds (Shiori), Mikaela Krantz (childhood) (English) [1] [2] [3] The protagonist of Date A Live. Located west of Death's Door in Agnus Castle. Like I was saying earlier Mio could easily be explained by Nia's being a flesh eater, since she look like the Gormotti version of Nia, rather than the Blade. I think, being from the City, she would accept him easier than Glimmer. It cant be centuries. ago. The Father put probably a core crystal in her body maby the chest and bound with it. Day 3: Wings/Wish - Nia and Melia get caught up in the battle while visiting the front. See new Tweets. Given Na’el’s core it’s fair to say it’s certain they’re related, maybe not daughter, but as you’ve said this seems unlikely. Cue even more tears. She def is Nia and Rex's kid, but her and Nias eyes look the same to me. While Nia and Mio's relations are basically confirmed, Eunie and Melia's being mother/daughter is quite a stretch as they don't really act like one around each other and isn't put as much into focus. 273. And if Doyle is her daughter (which I don't think she is), then she passed Nia's positive gene onto her. Flight of Malaks. If Nia is in the lead with Dromarch on the field, the player can control him to move on the field, with Nia riding on his back. Mio is a girl's name of Japanese origin meaning beautiful or cherry. Honestly at this point I wouldn't mind if they surprise us and have like Sena and Eunie being into each other or something more unexpected. 10 Feb 2022Mia Farrow. Consul M gets her powers back. com Mio is Nia 's daughter. However I do think the resemblance to Nia, even before the confirmation, does make it more haunting when she's facing death before the fake queen. They live on the Leftherian Archipelago, primarily in Fonsett Village. and with Nia's post. than "like" or "dislike. Rex might be too young for the position at the time and frankly he’s. Mio is a popular boys' name in Sweden and Germany. It’s really not a big jump. Is Mio Nia's daughter? All the people of aionios were taken from origin and used in Z's perpetual war, which was shown with a young Noah watching the worlds collide, so there's a good chance Mio is actually Nia's daughter and that's why they look so similar. While visiting the Argentum Trade Guild Rex is offered a high-paid salvaging job, requested by an organisation called Torna through the Chairman of Argentum. Since we see the infamous picture of the main party of X2 at the end of chapter 7, it is safe to assume that Rex has 3 children, and that before the two worlds. It had me thinking if that’s the case, why is Mio’s weapon of choice the 2 circle blade things instead of some type of. I dont think Mio is Nia's daughter/descendent, it just feels too obvious. M's mother Nia had just left the dungeon where she locked up her daughter M. She also has a similar personality and role to Pyra, her implied step-mother, who acted as the Team Mom and primary Love Interest who is in danger multiple times. 62m) and she weighs around 130lbs (59kgs). Pyra’s daughter takes after her mother, while Mythra’s son takes after his father.